
Web Design

Search Engine Marketing

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Web Development



The good, the bad, and the logically impaired. Most users will leave within seconds of landing on your homepage if it isn’t obvious where to find what they’re looking for. Your website must have simple, intuitive navigation and easy-to-find information. At BaronRose, we have the experience to make your site friendly and easy to use.

The heart of good web usability is:

  • Easy-to-use and highly-relevant navigation
  • Clear, well-marked paths for completing tasks
  • Fast-loading pages
  • Intuitively organized content based on user needs
  • Uncluttered presentation and graphics

Why is it so hard to be simple? Kitchen picture

Navigating a website is like trying to find something in someone else’s kitchen. Despite all the drawers being neatly organized, you have to open up every single one to find the can opener. On the web, you can’t afford for users to have to hunt for what they need. They will simply go to your competitor’s kitchen!

Our expertise is helping you reconcile your understanding of your business with what your audience expects and wants. We then help you present it in the most germane and readily accessible way possible, making your website a valuable resource to your audience. With this, you achieve the number one goal of good web usability - customer loyalty.



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